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May 7, 2002: Sorry it's taken me soooo long to update. (And I wouldn't really even call this an update.) My computer got pawned and until we can get it back I've had to use the library computers, but never fear! I haven't given up writing yet! I started a new awards page becasue I won my first award! A Rainy Day Award at AMYK.NU!!!! So thanks to whoever nominated and voted for me! Keeping checking back for updates!

March 21, 2002: Ok  people u have to understand something. My internet has been cut off, so I've been having to use other people's computer's to work on the site. I will still answer emails and update as often as possible. I have started another novel which I'm posting called Dissed and Dismissed. Check that one out alrighty? See you guys later and thanks so much for your patients! :)

March 15, 2002: Ok here it goes. I started on my next novel and I have the prologue and the first two chapters up! (YEAH!) I also posted my new short story called One Last Breath. I've added another awards site that I was nominated at on the home page (Thanks to whoever nominated me ;). Let me think....oh yeah! I took off the about me section to make this section. I've also posted my two pictures of the day on this page as well! And there's a new link in the links section! That's it! -Jenny